Reclaim Your identity, family, and legacy. This is the fight.

Give us 30 minutes a day, for 30 days to introduce you to a life full of purpose and significance that will radically transform the way you view yourself, your family, and your legacy. If not, we will give you your money back. This is our commitment to you and to the courage it takes to do this work. 

Do The Work

Explore Courses & Topics

Destroy what has been destroying you with 70+ videos and over 25 lessons packed with personal experience, exhaustive research and specialized insights all broken down into small, bite-size pieces that include teaching, inspiration, and work integrated into an engaging community.


Man Talk Monday

Join our LIVE gathering for men every Monday. Connect with a brotherhood committed to overcoming challenges and fighting for what matters. Gain strength, courage, and practical tools to become the man you aspire to be. Embrace community and rise above shame, depression, addiction, apathy, and isolation.


Fight Weekend

Fight Events are intense, immersive experiences designed to push you beyond your limits and reclaim the life you want. Whether at a Fight Night or a Fight Weekend, you'll face challenges that transform your heart, mind, body, and soul. We help you create a battle plan for your future.


The Journey To Biblical Masculinity

Biblical masculinity is not toxic. Looking to Jesus as the model, Jake Hamilton casts a fresh vision of Spirit-empowered masculinity that calls men to be who they were created to be. Preorder your copy today, and start living with purpose, clarity, integrity, and boldness!
